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Somesville is the oldest community on Mount Desert Island. It's a picturesque village located at the northern end of Somes Sound and dates back to 1761. Somesville is not a township, but is actually part of the municipality of Mount Desert in Northeast Harbor. Somes Sound, located at Somesville, is the only fjord on the East Coast of the U.S., and if viewed by air, looks as if a giant hand scooped out the land of two north and south aligned gouges. A huge, mile-high, slow moving glacier formed these "gouges". When the glacier finally retreated, it left mountaintops, lakes, many boulders and the seven-mile-long Somes Sound. Somesville offers gorgeous views of the Sound, its' inlets and the mountains to the east. The community of Somesville is also known for being home to the Acadia Repertory Theater, which is the village's other main attraction. Just to the east and south of Somesville is Acadia National Park, the first national park established east of the Mississippi. Over 47,000 acres of magnificent coastline, mountains, woodlands, lakes and streams and quaint fishing villages are contained within the park. Activities are endless and include hiking, rock climbing, canoeing, fishing, boating, whale watching, camping, photography and wildlife viewing - and dining on some of the world's best lobster.

Surrounding areas: Mount Desert Island, Maine (1.1 mi), Acadia, Maine (2.7 mi), Northeast Harbor, Maine (5.2 mi), Southwest Harbor, Maine (5.5 mi), Bar Harbor, Maine (6.4 mi), Tremont, Maine (7.5 mi), Seawall, Maine (7.8 mi)

Somesville Vacation Rentals

Somesville Hotels and Resorts

Hotels & Motels
Fairfield Inn125 Eden StBar Harbor, ME5.8 mi.(207) 288-8983
Fairfield Inn325 Eden StBar Harbor, ME5.8 mi.(207) 288-8883
Holiday Inn Sun Spree Resort-bar Harbor123 Eden StBar Harbor, ME5.8 mi.(207) 288-9723
Atlantic Oakes119 Eden StBar Harbor, ME5.9 mi.(207) 288-5801
Wonder View Inn50 Eden StBar Habor, ME6.1 mi.(207) 288-3358
Bar Harbor Quality Inn40 Kebo StBar Harbor, ME6.1 mi.(207) 288-5403
Best Western InnRR 2 Box 1127Bar Harbor, ME6.7 mi.(207) 288-5823
Snell House21 Atlantic AveBar Harbor, ME6.9 mi.(207) 288-8004
Colonial Travelodge321 High StEllsworth, ME12.3 mi.(207) 667-5548
Holiday Inn-ellsworth-acadia NTL Park215 High StEllsworth, ME12.7 mi.(207) 667-9341
Comfort Inn130 High StEllsworth, ME12.8 mi.(207) 667-1345
Best Western Jed Prouty Inn64 MainBucksport, ME26.1 mi.(207) 464-3113
Light's Motel & Restaurant215 E Main StSearsport, ME28.9 mi.(207) 548-2405

Somesville Weather & Climate

Southeast Maine , along the Atlantic Seacoast, has a distinct four-season climate. This area, often referred to as "Downeast Maine," includes the Acadia National Park and Mount Desert Island. Visitors are advised to come prepared for a variety of weather conditions in this part of Maine because the climate is highly changeable. Temperatures in summer can range as much as 45 degrees F to 85 degrees F. Spring and fall temperatures vary from 30 degrees F to 70 degrees F. You may also encounter fog or rain at any time. The Maine coastal climate is ranked second to only the Pacific Northwest in annual precipitation. This moisture occurs in every form at Acadia National Park. Ice storms are regular in winter and early spring. Average annual rainfall is 48 inches and average annual snowfall is 61 inches.

     Month       High Temp   Low Temp   Rainfall   Ocean Temp 
January 31°F 10°F 5.94 in. -
February 34°F 13°F 4.52 in. 36°F
March 41°F 22°F 5.46 in. 38°F
April 52°F 32°F 4.93 in. 43°F
May 65°F 42°F 4.53 in. 49°F
June 74°F 51°F 4.10 in. 54°F
July 79°F 57°F 3.38 in. 58°F
August 78°F 56°F 2.93 in. 62°F
September 69°F 48°F 4.42 in. 58°F
October 57°F 38°F 4.86 in. 54°F
November 47°F 28°F 6.42 in. 52°F
December 36°F 16°F 5.81 in. 44°F

Somesville Map & Transportation

Main viewing image.
Click each thumbnail image to enlarge.
The closest airports in the area are the Hancock County Bar Harbor airport (BHB) located about 6 miles north of Somesville in Bar Harbor, Maine, the Bangor International airport (BGR) located approximately 39 miles northwest of Somesville in Bangor, Maine, the Knox County Regional airport (RKD) located roughly 43 miles west of Somesville in Rockland, Maine, the Waterville Robert Lafleur airport (WVL) located around 67 miles west of Somesville in Waterville, Maine, and finally the Augusta State airport (AUG) located about 72 miles west of Somesville in Augusta, Maine.

Somesville Attractions

Water Parks
Odyssey Water ParkTrentonME5.6 mi.
Golf Courses
Northeast Harbor Golf ClubNortheast HarborME5.2 mi.
Causeway ClubSouthwest HarborME5.5 mi.
Kebo Valley ClubBar HarborME6.4 mi.
Bar Harbor Golf CourseEllsworthME8.8 mi.
Grindstone Neck Golf CourseWinter HarborME11.9 mi.
White Birches Country ClubEllsworthME16.1 mi.
Island Country ClubSunsetME21.3 mi.
Castine Golf ClubCastineME23.3 mi.
Bucksport Golf ClubBucksportME25.5 mi.
Lucerne Hills Golf ClubEast HoldenME27.0 mi.
Searsport Pines Golf CourseSearsportME29.6 mi.
Ski Areas
Camden SnowbowlCamdenME37.6 mi.
Big SquawGreenvilleME97.6 mi.
Sugarloaf USAKingfieldME98.5 mi.
Black MountainRumfordME110.1 mi.
Mount AbramLocke MillsME117.0 mi.
Shawnee PeakBridgtonME119.7 mi.
State Parks
Lamoine State ParkME6.5 mi. 
Fort Point State ParkME24.4 mi. 
Moose Point State ParkME30.3 mi. 
Camden Hills State ParkME34.8 mi. 
Owls Head State ParkME39.7 mi. 
Farnsworth Art MuseumRocklandME42.3 mi.(Art)

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